A catalogue of oil and watercolour paintings and introduction to new work in progress to accompany the artist’s solo exhibition in The Ramor Theatre, Virginia, Cavan (June 2023) The limited edition catalogue is kindly funded by Virginia Credit Union with welcome by Pádraic McIntyre, Venues Manager Ramor Theatre and Townhall Cavan, preface by Patricia Watts Founder/Curator, Ecoartspace USA. Afterword Michelle Boyle.
Having lived in the area for over twenty years, Boyle is now experiencing her surroundings with new eyes. She swims year-round in Lough Ramor and now sees this as a performative collaboration with nature. While being conscious of the preciousness of freshwaters, she is giving this essential element — with which all life depends — a voice through her expressive liquidlike gestural paintings
Patricia Watts – Founder / Curator Ecoartspace
Design & photography by Suella Holland
Printed by Mc Ginn Print
88 page full colour softback €15 (€20 includes postage)
Available to pre-order here at online store and at exhibition venue from 15th June