The paintings in this exhibition were made over the past 3 years and are a visual celebration of Lough Ramor and the life essence of water in the landscape.
‘Flight of the Lavey Man’ oil on canvas 150 cm x 150 cm 2023
A full colour limited edition print exhibition catalogue is kindly sponsored by Virginia Credit Union with welcome by Padraic Mc Intyre (Ramor Theatre Venue Manager) and foreword by Patricia Watts (founder Ecoartspace). Photographs and design by Suella Holland. The catalogue includes paintings from the series currently on exhibition in Nine Fish Gallery Mumbai India and in Sasse Art Museum Los Angelus U.S.A curated by Hambly & Hambly Gallery. Click on link below to view and pre-purchase a signed copy which you can collect at the exhibition or have posted to you
Having lived in the area for over twenty years, Boyle is now experiencing her surroundings with new eyes. She swims year-round in Lough Ramor and now sees this as a performative collaboration with nature. While being conscious of the preciousness of freshwaters, she is giving this essential element — with which all life depends — a voice through her expressive liquidlike gestural paintings
Patricia Watts Founder / Curator Ecoartspace
The ‘Freshwater’ exhibition is a launchpad for emerging collaborations around contained water in the landscape and giving voice to it from the intersection of art, science and the local community. The artist has received a Professional Artist Award grant from Cavan Arts Office to undertake ‘Conversations from the lake’ in Summer 2023. In September the artist will participate in ‘Earth Rising’ eco event in IMMA with a ‘Conversations from the fountain’ . These rural and urban conversations include fishermen, health geographers, farmers, swimmers and local communities to creatively imagine what water would say if it could speak to us. Please contact the artist via the contact page if you would like to participate in either conversation.