Official Launch at MONDIACULT 2022 conference Mexico City. 100 voices of invited international artists and cultural professionals including Michelle Boyle contributing recommendations to a discussion platform on what it means to be a creator today and pointing towards the necessary transformations to ensure a more sustainable sector. The voices of creators summarised in this publication, aim to inspire evidence based actions among local and national decision makers towards more inclusive, equitable creative industries of tomorrow.
With foreward by Audrey Azoulay, Director General of UNESCO
By nature art is hopeful Michelle Boyle 2022
ResiliArt 100 publication officially launches at MONDIACULT 2022conference on 28 September in Mexico City
As we have entered the last Decade of Action for the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, agreed by the international community as a common aspirational roadmap, UNESCO invites its Member States and the international community to embark jointly on a continuous reflection on cultural policies to tackle global challenges and outline immediate and future priorities. The aim is to shape a more robust and resilient cultural sector, fully anchored in the perspectives of sustainable development as well as promotion of solidarity, peace and security, in line with the vision enshrined in the UN Secretary-General’s report Our Common Agenda (September, 2021), which refers to culture resources as our global commons. The Conference will pave the way for the full integration of culture as a global public good in the post-2030 Agenda for an inclusive and sustainable development.